Cranberry Orange Spice Waffles

I love just about anything orange cranberry flavored as I think the two are like a match made in heaven. I think the first orange cranberry thing I ever tried was a muffin with a rememberable brown sugar crumb topping.

You can use fresh or dried cranberries as honestly there is not a huge difference in the final result. Its really all in the orange zest and spices. I love to sauté the cranberries in butter, freshly squeezed orange juice and some zest, brown sugar and yes, a sprig of rosemary.

Orange Cranberry Spice Waffles

Makes about 4 big waffles *

Ingredients / Batter

2 cups flour

3 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp baking powder

2 cups almond milk

1/4 cup apple sauce

pinch salt

½ tsp cinnamon

½ tsp cardamom

½ cup dried cranberries or fresh

1 orange, zested and its juice


Step 1

Measure out your dry and wet ingredients in separate bowls.

Mix your orange juice into your plant based milk. This allows the plant based milk to become a buttermilk of sorts.

Whisk together the dry and wet ingredients to make your batter.

Step 2

Pour your batter in your waffle Iron, close and wait to cook. This part depends on the waffle maker you are using.

Step 3

Once waffle is done, take it out and you’re ready to plate. Drizzle with maple and slather on your favorite plant based butter.

Delanie McGuire

Private Chef, Recipe Developer and Content Creator

Orange Tofu & Basmati Rice


“Crab” Cakes